Spring 2025 Jurupa Cup

June 7, 2025

Game Schedule

Referee Schedule

Field Map

Tournament Rules

Volunteer Points

Jurupa Cup is the most fun day of the season for most of our players. It is the last day of the season but it also provides some moments of great soccer and great passion. For our U-10 through U-14 divisions, Jurupa Cup is typically an elimination tournament where champions will be crowned.

However, not just any team can get into the tournament. Teams must qualify for Jurupa Cup, and they do that by compiling volunteer points, as stated below.

Region Rules & Guidelines

ITEM 25 – Team Volunteer Commitment

U10 to U19 each team must provide three (3) referees to cover their weekly referee assignment.  The referee assignment shall consist of one (1) center referee and two (2) assistant referees each week for either a scheduled or stand by game. 

It will be the responsibility of each team to ensure that they have fulfilled each of their commitments and failure to fulfill the commitments will prevent the team from advancing to the Jurupa Cup tournament which determines eligibility to advance to Area/Section playoffs.

To be eligible for Jurupa Cup tournament, each team will be required to earn the minimum required points as designated by the Jurupa Cup committee.

U6 = 7 points (2 must be from refereeing)

            U8 = 8 points (3 must be from refereeing)

            U10 - U19 = 28 points (18 must be from refereeing)

**** Referee points are earned for U10 and above games only

  • U16-19: Referee = 5; AR = 4

  • U14: Referee = 4; AR = 3 

  • U10-U12: Referee = 3; AR = 2

Contact: RegionReferee462@gmail.com

ITEM 26 – Post Season Play

Post season play begins at the conclusion of the 10th game.  All post season play will require completion of team volunteer commitments. Teams that do not fulfill the referee and regional commitments set forth in Item 25 above will be ineligible to advance to post season play. Jurupa Region 462 Rules and Regulations supersede any tournament and/or inter-regional rules and regulations.